Reflection + Shadow Work Self Study Healing Course

Reflection + Shadow Work Self Study Healing Course


Receive a package of videos, audio, journaling prompts and reference guides for self study that will help you:

✦ access power tucked deep within you(r lineage)

✦ clear the cobwebs that hide your wholeness

✦ be brought closer to spirit and spook through self reflection

✦ see yourself with a softer focus in the dim light of moon magic

✦ shine light on the parts of you that feel more comfortable hiding

Materials are instant download and self directed so you can study on your own timeline.

❗Look behind the paywall to see exactly how coursework is delivered to you in this video:

‼️ Due to the nature of this digital product and intellectual property, no refunds will be issued.

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Reflection + Shadow Work Essentials Module

Worrying over energy-draining details?

Learn to disconnect from anxiety and break the cycle of guilt and worry.

Shadow Work Training

This video focuses on shifting from BLACK + WHITE thinking into feeling comfortable living in the grey areas of life. By doing shadow work you can learn to love your wholeness.

Altar Creation Tutorial

Set up your space! My tips for adding meaningful expression and ritual to your day.

This video covers: finding a space to claim as your own, clean/clear/cleansing the space physically + energetically, what to place on your altar, and how often to reset the altar.

“Ring of Fire” Reflection Ritual Replay ✦ Waxing Moon in Aries

Before we rise from the ashes, first we must burn it down.

This ritual pairs the portal of shadow work with the arousing fire of Aries to transmute what appears as pain into personal power.

Virtually follow along with the recipe to peer through the looking glass into your own soul.

See parts of yourself buried deep inside! Stretch yourself to pass through the ring of fire and ignite a new, dynamic timeline.

BTS Rapid Transformational Therapy Experience Vlog

My entry point into healing sexual abuse + the mother wound. I learned tools in that space that serve me today:

• a countdown process to quiet the mind + hear little Tori…

• a welcoming awareness for subconscious memories to resurface…

• a brave voice to reframe experiences thru my truth…


Illuminate Reflection Basic Meditation (5 min)

Inner Child Meditation (14 minutes)

Quiet your mind + focus in on a very internal, important voice. Be guided through steps to develop + maintain a healthy relationship with the vibrant part of you that is your inner child!

Ancestral Healing Audio Journey (33 minutes)

Empty yourself, return to the mother, come home to your whole. This audio will guide you through performing a personal ceremony of restorative connection with your lineage.


Receive references on allies and practices to fulfill a holistic application of the material.

Includes mantras, crystal recommendations, chakra details, journal prompts, and more.