2 Tips for Remaining Unbothered This Holiday SZN
It's that time of year. The time of year to practice standing in your sovereignty no matter what or who is around you.
It's liberating!
When we're traveling, spending MORE time with MORE people and simply out of our element there are a couple of things I recommend doing to maintain your brightest self.
Extend grace
We're all humans! The people with different opinions than you are on their own paths learning different lessons at different speeds. If you subscribe to the idea that we are all reflections of each other, have grace for the characteristics in others that trigger your emotions. Take those interactions as an opportunity to not judge and to forgive yourself.
Stay on your self care
This step actually helps with developing step one. Be relentless with meeting your needs! If you already have a self care routine, kudos! Now stick to it.
If you don't have a self care routine, I can help you. Begin developing practices that empower and fulfill you.
The key here is to stick with your practices no matter who's staying with you or where you are. No matter who "gets it" and no matter if it's exactly the same as always do it. If you need to read, have alone time, do yoga, dance around, see a friend, take a bath, say a prayer -- do it.
I don't want to assume everyone needs CBD to survive the holidays but I couldn't really leave out cannabis out of this conversation. As a mother, I use CBD daily to assist with preserving patience and mindfulness. You better believe I utilize this plant when stepping into a higher intensity holiday environment. Using CBD that's pure, certified organic and quality is my final recommendation for remaining unbothered this season.
Those of you willing to build your essential self care practice now, check out the workshop below. Xo!