#1 Reason for Not Performing Self Care + A Solution

Prioritizing yourself doesn't always come naturally. The primary reason women tell me they find self care to be a challenge is making the time for it.


So, in this post I’m going to break down my evolution to overcoming the limitation of time + performing self care. Then, I’m going to share 8 ways to get creative with your time. Mmmk?

In the beginning, making time for self care took a lot of effort to prioritize and large chunks of time to execute.

Self care was an hour massage because that’s what it took to get me to STOP — paying someone else, borrowing their time and being naked on a table so I couldn’t multitask. 😬

At first I had to pull myself away from habitually working overtime and wasting time online to cultivate joy and inner peace.

Now, I have the ability to perform self care in the moment and in addition to daily ritual.

I’m more efficient in the work I do + committed to my needs, so it’s not as painstaking to step away from what I'm doing or simply make time for me.

Rx for Self Care provides a method to get from *not enough time* to *self care IN REAL TIME*. Now that's magic. That's living balanced.

I know this because I lived it, documented it as I learned, then created this workshop for you to do it, too.

One of the major ways I stay elevated throughout the day is digesting encouraging + exhilarating content while I live.

Rx for Self Care contains a combo of 10 videos, audio + meditation mp3s that are web-based + downloadable you can be inspired anywhere + anytime!

Below I've listed 8 things to do while you get your self care on.

8 Things You Can Do While Engaging in Rx for Self Care
1 • Go for a walk
2 • Tidy your home
3 • Rest (yes, you’re allowed to rest)
4 • Take notes
5 • Stretch + connect with your body
6 • Doodle or watercolor
7 • Take a bath
8 • Cook a meal (I’d rather bake)

The beauty of this workshop is that you can use it how you want to in a variety of ways. The very first module is all about overcoming our blocks to self care.

We talk more about time, worth, momentum and also how to identify what's effective for your personal wellness.

If you can get through that, then you're on your way to learning specifics on how to live joyfully in your everyday + in flow during parts 2-4.

The Takeaway
 Time isn't the issue. Prioritization is the issue. Enroll in Rx for Self Care + learn to love yourself first!