🦋 Avoid the destructive cycle of anxiety


Today I want to share a story with you that's a bit hard to confess and yet I know there are some of you who will see yourselves in the narrative. This is a true story of how my habit of overwhelm sabotaged my... everything.

At the very peak of my burnout two years ago, I blamed it all on pharmacy. The workflows, the management, the environment, the industry... but now that I've had some space away from it, I can clearly see my role in the chaos. I can pinpoint my downward spiral to feeling overwhelmed.

It was a daily occurrence and here's how it would go:

I'd start off the day optimistic and keeping up with workflow. Then, something (could have been anything) would go wrong. A patient emergency, a batch of STAT prescriptions called in, a malfunction with our software, a poorly communicated change in workflow... and from there I would just SHUT DOWN.

I would be completely overwhelmed by my growing stack of todos which was reflected in my inability to delegate and disperse workload. I'd justify hoarding tasks because they were "simple" or I could figure them out during a slow time (there were none)...

Because of this, I would end up staying late. Not 15 minutes late, an hour to two hours late. (I was salary...)

Which then lead me to miss many bedtimes and cuddles with my baby, left me irritable and in tears nearly every evening, completely exhausted with no energy to connect with my husband and eventually depressed and looking forward to my evening wine habit. Then, I had to wake up an do it again.

I was "busy" all day at work and at the same time I was in a cycle of paralysis and procrastination for fear of not knowing how to do something because I was new or having to take time to learn it on the spot or delegate or what have you...

That's basically how I lived my life for 3 months. Yes, there were other factors to the extreme work-life balance situation but there's no denying that I'd let anxiety hijack my mind and I would lose control of the day. Eventually, it felt like I'd lost control of my life.

If you are:
staying late at work,
unable to delegate,
checking out + yelling as a mother,
snapping at your spouse,
feeling irritated and exhausted,
procrastinating due to fear of unknown
you're not alone.

BUT, there are ways to retrain your brain.

You can learn to handle emotional triggers, communicate with your thoughts and others clearly, be decisive, and be specific.

Finding clarity will lead to productivity and efficiency. Instead of living out a story similar to mine, you can learn the tools to:

leave on time, 
properly prioritize,
feel clear and peaceful,
speak your truth,
give proper attention and focus to what's important to you.

NOW, when I fill in at the pharmacy, I've got my mind on lock. I be delegating, prioritizing, leaving on time, and leaving with peace.

If you're ready to commit to clarity, I'm teaching you everything from metaphysical essentials and anxiety basics to the more complex processes for retraining your mind, communicating clearly and fine-tuning your life.

Join the Well Connected Self Healing Community for the videos, meditation, worksheet you'll need to stop the cycle of overwhelm! ðŸ¦‹ It's time to live organized, live prepared, live with clarity! I'll see you inside. Xo.