You're Worth It!


Most women admit, the main reason they hesitate to join the Well Connected membership is the $30 a month. Even though they want the benefits of less anxiety, an encouraging community and resources for growth they tell themselves no when they consider the price. I shared a candid + timely conversation with one of our newest members, Jackie on making the decision to join the membership despite her fear response. Read on for her  insight on joining during the community during a pandemic.

What is appealing about the Well Connected membership?

I am very self motivated. So, having something that I can look through and work through on my own time and my own schedule is very appealing to me. Also, a lot of the content inside is stuff I need to work on. I'm really interested in the things that aren't talked about so often, like shadow work and the not so fun but extremely productive and rewarding topics. I'm interested in learning to work with my intuition.

Walk us through making that decision after being on the fence a minute (by a minute I mean a few weeks).

I am trying to run a very small business, I am a college student. Our economy just took a massive hit so I'm thinking "is this really a good time?"

The counter to that is there is no bad time to start working on yourself. There’s never a bad time to invest in yourself and [the $30] is an amount that you have a little skin in the game. You’re investing something but it’s not so much that it’s going to break you.

I'm lucky to say this but $30 might be a night of some drinks or a dinner but it’s not necessarily going to break you. The first “test” is to be able to spend that money on yourself and on bettering yourself. In doing that, you’re already taking a massive step towards the person that you want to be.

As we were voice memoing back and forth a few phrases you said that stuck with me were, "the $$ will be fine, there's no reason for me not to join this month, I throw money at random things all the time..."

For me, anything under $50 will not sway my life month by month. There are always ways to cut back or find that money. I can either cut back in my budget somewhere or I can do a little more work and by little bit more work I mean maybe a couple hours… it’s not really as much as we think it is. I’m really quick to spend money on things that are easy like food and time out with friends doing things with or for others but it seems much scarier when it’s for myself. I am sending that message to the universe that I am ready to up-level and improve and change and on some level that’s scary for everyone whether we realize it or not. Change is scary but everything that we are hoping for, hoping to create, hoping to be is on the other side of fear so sometimes that’s a good thing when we get nervous about it.

There were 48 hours between making the decision when I heard you say "I'm ready to change my perspective" + following through with actual enrollment. What did you do with that time?

During that time, I looked at where I was spending, where I could cut back,  how I could optimize my budget to work for me instead of just exist and just be a source of stress and fear. I made my budget work for me.

Have you invested in coaching before?
Yes, my business coach, Amber.

It was the best money I’ve ever spent. That was helpful in making this decision. I didn’t think I had the money at that point either but I found it. I found it somewhere!

Have you invested in personal coaching before?
No. First venture into personal coaching.

What was the tipping point of your decision? When did it click?

When I realized I was spending the same amount of money to be a member at a gym that I didn’t go to. I go to a different gym I don't pay for and yet I was paying for a different gym.

Anything else you'd like to share?

People are very lucky to be able to pay such a small amount of money and have any access to you.

Flattering! But I do have to admit, I give my ALL to Well Connected members. The content inside is practical and intended for those truly ready to be leaders of their lives.

Only members have access to my private services because I know they understand the fundamentals of mindful living and I can guide them beyond the surface issues. 

As you read, I like to provide support during your decision making process. I want the membership to be a good fit for both of us! If you're on the fence and need some questions answered, send me a voice memo on Instagram.

During these uncertain times (life is always uncertain), having materials and a community fostering resilience and focused on self care will hold you to your highest frequency. This is a MAJOR resource to help you thrive during this downtime.

If you want to even out life’s ups and downs,
you're ready to learn how to process your fear,
and feel healthy and whole,
join the Well Connected Self Healing Community.

All the support, resources, guidance, encouragement, and love are waiting for you to say YES to choosing yourself.

I’ll see you inside! Xo.