Build Confidence In Your Innate Worth


Imposter syndrome will catch you slippin'.
That’s it’s specialty!⁣
The antidote is consistency.
Consistency of the belief in your innate worth. The actions to support that belief will inevitably follow.⁣
Affirmations + positive self talk are ONE way I've built my self worth and rewritten the script of fear over the years.⁣
I'm sharing a recording of my Affirmation Workshop with you.
It's been in the vault, awaiting the perfect time to encourage leaders to step into their power.
This recording covers how affirmations are related to building confidence, why it’s not enough to write a mantra on a post it note, and how you can engage your chakras by using affirmations.⁣
I hope you enjoy this gift of "let's go out and get what's ours" inspo for these radical times.

Know Your Worth + Undo Imposter Syndrome

Like I said, affirmations are just ONE of the ways you'll tap into knowing your worth. The key is to stay with the belief of your excellence so the actions and evidence will follow.

Reminder: our thoughts create our beliefs which influence our actions.

Inside the membership one of the themes is worthiness. We are claiming our value and caring for our stellar solar plexus energy to build confidence in our worth and work.

Among the existing + evergreen exclusive member perks, the Well Connected Community will be accessing tips on how to efficiently wield solar plexus energy for advancement of your goals in the form of:

 Behind the Scenes Vlog: My Executive + Entrepreneur Life

 Worthiness Training: Undoing Imposter Syndrome with Discernment + Discipline

I will also be covering Mother Wounds, Healing Lineage and revealing a MAJOR announcement. Members heard it first :)


It's time we exude worthiness + wealth. Join me on the journey! Xo.
