How-To Release The How
How adaptable are you?
Learning to let go of control means being flexible and less rigid in your responses and emotions.
I know, it's easier said than done.
Especially for my type-As — where you at?
Get a piece of paper and spend a few moments with these questions to start the process of surrender:
What (or who) are you being called to release?
Be specific as possible and note the thoughts, names, fears, habits and actions that cause you resistance toward living as your freest self.
I'm ready to release... because holding onto it is preventing...
Write out what releasing the above will open room for in your life.
Once ____ is released, it will allow space for _______
End the exercise by welcoming in your new desires.
I have the capacity to welcome _____ to flow into my experience.
How do you feel?
Do you want to go even deeper? Are wondering what to do next?
I've added a sneak peek of the training that's waiting for you inside of Well Connected.
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