🌷 Spring Clean Your Thoughts in 5 Steps


I resurfaced an article I wrote that was published in the Mantra Magazine Spring 2019 issue titled, "Spring Clean Your Thoughts in 5 Steps."

So many of you found resonance with the original article AND with IG story throwback so I wanted to share it here for you to enjoy on your own time.

Efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19 including social distancing have certainly been a shock to the system for many. If you're using the time at home to organize your environment, I invite you to take another angle on spring cleaning + apply it to…

Efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19 including social distancing have certainly been a shock to the system for many. If you're using the time at home to organize your environment, I invite you to take another angle on spring cleaning + apply it to your mindset. Read on for the 5 steps!

When you’re spring cleaning this season, don’t forget to tidy your mind!
Just like your closet is begging to be cleared out and rearranged, so are your thoughts.

With the hustle + bustle of life, sometimes we accumulate thought patterns that aren’t productive to our growth. When we fail to declutter our thoughts, we become overwhelmed, inefficient, and stagnant. 

Follow this guide if you’re ready to tidy your mind and organize your life:

1. Take Inventory

Set aside time to take inventory of your thoughts and decide what can be added to the junk pile. Acknowledge the thoughts that aren’t helpful to you. Whether or not a pattern was or wasn’t ever useful to you is irrelevant. You’re the decider of what you want to keep or throw out. If you feel it’s time to release a belief, then it’s time. Awareness is an essential first step for taking action!

If you don’t find anything to let go of at this time, that’s okay! The act of combing over your “belongings” is the main practice to implement. Know that when the time is right for you to clear a thought pattern, you’ll be called to do so.

2. Keep or Throw

Similar to a closet overhaul, decide what stays in your possession and what you can let go. If an item is ill-fitting, toss it! Consider how continuing to think in the old way will confine you. What are the trajectories of releasing or keeping the thought pattern? What feels like advancement towards your highest ambitions? Create space and release.

3. Out With The Old, In With The New

Because there are no boxes for you to pack your thoughts in, create a boundary by saying goodbye to the old way of thinking. Declare your detachment. Energetically shake hands with the universe and affirm your decision to release by saying it aloud or writing it down. For example, if you’re working on wealth you may say, “I’m no longer choosing to tell the story that I am not worthy of money. Going forward, I declare that abundance is my birthright.” Or something like that. Get creative!  

4. New Mindset, New You

Now that you’ve decluttered, you can make use of and appreciate what you have. Use the positive statement from Step 3 as your personal affirmation. For example, “abundance is my birthright.” Say and write it daily to boost your excitement and belief in your new story. Regard your positive thoughts as your power-outfit! Both make you feel inspired!

5. Easy Upkeep

The aim for organizing is to facilitate a life of ease. Once you’ve rearranged, it can take time to familiarize yourself with the changes. Be kind to yourself! If the old thought pattern creeps up from time to time, remember you’re trying something new! Repeat any or all of Steps 1 through 4 as needed. Each time you do, you’ll strengthen your commitment to a fresh way of thinking.

By the end of the checklist, the thoughts that remain should be color-coded, organized and contain only items worth keeping. What you store in your mind is just as important as what you store in your closet. The words, stories & thoughts you repeat to yourself are what create your reality. In order to bloom this spring, make sure you give your mind a once-over to reconnect with what brings you joy and discard what’s old and worn.

If you’re looking to further deep clean your thoughts join the Well Connected Membership. Xo